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Sweet Citrus Bouquet

Sun’s out, yum’s out! Our sweet arrangement features smiling pineapple suns surrounded by dipped apple wedges, fresh strawberries, melons and more, designed in a cheerful container. It’s a gift that’s bright and guaranteed to delight.

  • Fresh fruit arrangement of pineapple suns with chocolaty smiling faces, dipped and drizzled apple wedges, strawberries, honeydew ball skewers, cantaloupe and orange wedges, and grape skewers, arranged on a lettuce and kale base
  • All of our dipped fruit is covered in chocolaty confection
  • Arrives in our whimsical “Fresh Picked” container featuring cheerful summer fruit design
  • Fruit is picked at the peak of freshness and delivered fresh to their door
  • Allergy Warning: Fruit Bouquets products may contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. We recommend that you take the necessary precautions based on any related allergies.


Sweet Citrus Bouquet

  • Delivered fresh to their door with Same-Day Delivery
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